The historic city of Verona was founded in the 1st century B.C. It particularly flourished under the rule of the Scaliger family in the 13th and 14th centuries and as part of the Republic of Venice from the 15th to 18th centuries. Verona has preserved a remarkable number of monuments from antiquity, the medieval and Renaissance periods, and represents an outstanding example of a military stronghold.
From our members:
YVR cockroach visited from 10/18/2013 to 10/19/2013.
stedan visited from 3/19/2013 to 3/19/2013.
serghei.belous visited from 9/30/2012 to 9/30/2012.
joneshuijs visited from 7/21/2011 to 7/21/2011.
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stut visited from 4/1/2010 to 4/1/2010.
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rdhillier visited from 7/18/2006 to 7/20/2006.
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sethro99 visited from 8/29/2003 to 8/30/2003. With Linnea, Dave & Lauren kriskukul visited from 6/15/2000 to 6/15/2000.
mlindenberg visited from 6/22/1999 to 6/23/1999.
Read more! sethro99 visited from 6/19/1999 to 6/19/1999. With Puff & my parents Phudnik visited from 7/25/1991 to 7/26/1991.
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